- Contracting and SupplyWe work daily to supply hundreds of products from fruits, vegetables and leafy to food chains, small specialty grocers, wholesalers and suppliers, restaurants, hotels and catering sectors, food service industry, and online suppliers. We are here to help you get the best experience for your customers, our account managers will contact you to meet your needs and get the best products
- Account ManagerWe seek to create a unique experience, as we provide you with an account manager who studies and analyzes the details of your business to serve you the way you deserve.
- Contracting styleWe always guarantee you to provide various options of contracts that suit your activity in terms of contract term or prices of products in the contract
- ReportsWe provide you with integrated reports about your contract, products and purchases, which allow you to know all the details of the branches’ purchases of vegetables and fruits, as these reports help you in evaluating, developing and managing your business better
- Scheduling orderswhere you can specify the day and time for delivery to all branches in accordance with your schedule and needs